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Keeping The Peace- Pilot (1/2)

     Enter the life of former LAPD, Dt. Bronson Fields, a slightly overweight and passive hostage negotiator given a second chance to take crime off the streets of LA. Bronson tries to the beat of his own drum while his partner Detective Teri Slaughter, an ex marine also removed from the force due to her unorthodox crime solving methods, attempts to keep them constantly in pursuit 


     His  moments missing his wife who's finishing a nursing degree while raising their daughter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana are usually interrupted by his nosey know it all secretary looking to socialize. Fields can't even find solace in the men's room before being dragged out and on to the next case. Crime after crime,  Dt. Fields uses wit and charisma on the job with his famous putting the gun down to reason with the criminals act and when he travels home to Louisiana and has to answer to his wife and daughter. 

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